Wings for Life - Breakfast Club - Titel

Hosting the Breakfast Club for the Wings for Life World Run

This morning 70 invited guests attended the Breakfast Club at Kolarik’s Luftburg in Vienna’s Prater. The topic of the exciting event this time was the Wings for Life World Run, which will be run around the world on May 8.

“Running for those who can’t”

The panel around Wings for Life – a foundation dedicated to bone marrow research – consisted of the Head of Fundraising of Wings for Life, Wolfgang Illek, the Head of Marketing of Ströck Andrea Unger-Posch as well as the long-time testimonial and former ski jumping star Andi Goldberger.

Wings for Life - Breakfast Club - Podium

There were goosebumps moments  as Wolfgang Illek, who himself has been paraplegic since a serious cycling accident, took the audience into his everyday life. Refreshing were then also the words of Andi Goldberger, who participated every year in the Wings for Life World Run as a runner and also Andrea Unger-Posch told about the speciality of this run from the sponsor’s point of view.

Ideal interface between sport and business

Wings for Life - Breakfast Club - Ronny Leber

I am very happy to have been part of the Breakfast Club again. The combination of sports and business is tailor-made for me because of my two degrees in sports and business administration… and it’s just a lot of fun.

I am already looking forward to the next edition!

See you soon,

Your Ronny

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